Each foster and adoptive family must first attend Agency Orientation. The agency orientation provides the potential family with information about our agency’s policies and procedures as well as provides the foster and adoptive family with information about the process and expectations of a foster to adoptive parent. Agency orientations are held at our office with an appointment at your convenience.
Upon completion of the orientation, the foster and adoptive family will be invited to complete Pre-Service Training requirements and submit required paperwork. Agape offers all required training at our office.
After training is completed, there will be a Home Study scheduled in your home. A home study is the written evaluation of the prospective foster and adoptive parents, family of the prospective parents, and environment of foster and adoptive parents and their family in relation to their ability to meet the child’s needs.
Once the Home Study is completed, Agape staff will conduct a final walk through of your home and submit all documentation for Final Verification. After your home is approved for verification, you can begin accepting children in your home. The process can take approximately 1 – 2 months depending on how quickly you submit your paperwork and complete your trainings.