Agape Manor Home provides training at the Agency's office. Please contact the Agency Foster Home Specialist or your Case Manager to schedule a training or if you have any questions.
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Additional Training Opportunities for Foster Parents:
The Parenting Center - Provides class room and online classes relevant to parenting and foster care. $$
Foster Care University - TFFA and Cenpatico - Online interactive facilitated training program accessible to anyone across the country, some facilitated by national experts, others facilitated by the Cenpatico foster care trainers.
Foster Care and Adoptive Community - Provides interactive online and book cources relevant to foster care and adoption services. CEUs for professional license renewal too. $$
FosterClub - Provides free online training for foster parents.
AgriLIFE Extension Courses - Provides both free and paid online training for foster parents.
Care Courses - Provides paid online training for foster parents. $$
Foster Parent College - Provides paid online training for foster parents. $$